Grieving Cat Sits On Late Best Friend’s Bed, Wondering Where He Went - The Dodo


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Oct 15, 2024

Grieving Cat Sits On Late Best Friend’s Bed, Wondering Where He Went - The Dodo

Twelve years ago, the day after her 19th birthday, Bree W. decided to adopt a dog from her local shelter. When the first pup she selected was adopted before she could finish the application, Bree

Twelve years ago, the day after her 19th birthday, Bree W. decided to adopt a dog from her local shelter. When the first pup she selected was adopted before she could finish the application, Bree searched the kennels for another dog to take home. That’s when she met 2-year-old Barney.

“[I] fell in love with him instantly,” Bree told The Dodo.

Bree and Barney became instant companions. They loved spending time together, and for many years after Barney’s adoption, they hardly considered adding anyone else to their clique. Until one day, Bree spotted an adorable black-and-white cat with a mustache available for adoption at PetSmart.

She decided not to adopt him that day but couldn’t stop thinking about him after saying goodbye. A few weeks later, she decided to revisit him — this time with a plan to take him home.

“I was having a bad day and decided to go see if ‘the cat with the mustache’ was still there,” Bree said. “Sure enough, he was, and I thought, ‘That’s it, I’m taking this cat home.’”

Bree officially adopted the cat, whom she named ‘Stache, on Barney’s seventh adoption anniversary. Despite warnings on ‘Stache’s paperwork about cats being scared in new surroundings, Bree felt that she and Barney could make him feel at home.

“Barney had always liked cats, but I had [only] met [a] few that really tolerated, much less enjoyed his company,” Bree said. “Regardless, something in me said I needed this cat.”

Bree took ‘Stache home and slowly introduced him to Barney, as recommended by the adoption agency. She was shocked to see ‘Stache and Barney hit it off almost immediately.

“Their bond seemed to grow pretty quickly, as within three days, they were cuddling on the couch!” Bree said.

After that first cuddle on the couch, Barney and ‘Stache were inseparable. Despite being different species, the two siblings formed a unique bond that included just as much play time as snuggle time.

“They loved to play-fight and wrestle. Sometimes, ‘Stache would win, and sometimes, Barney would win,” Bree said. “It was my favorite daily entertainment. They never once hurt each other while playing. They also liked to cuddle together, which was always heartwarming to see.”

You can watch Barney and ‘Stache wrestle here:

Barney and ‘Stache spent all their time together — so much so that they began copying each other’s mannerisms.

“‘Stache very quickly started to exhibit behaviors he learned from Barney, like greeting you at the door when you come home and eventually playing fetch (with hair ties instead of tennis balls),” Bree said.

Watch ‘Stache play fetch with hair ties here:

‘Stache and Barney spent the next five years happily by each other’s side, until, sadly, Barney became sick earlier this year. After trying various treatment plans and repeated vet visits with no improvement, Bree had to make a gut-wrenching decision.

“Ultimately, there wasn’t anything else we could do for him, as he was not responding to any treatments,” Bree said. “At his ripe old age of 14, it was recommended that we help him cross the rainbow bridge before things got any worse.”

Bree and her family spent the week leading up to Barney’s appointment showering him with love and praise. On the way to his appointment, Bree organized “Barney’s Farewell Tour,” where Barney got to say goodbye to his neighbors, grandparents and best friends one last time.

While Barney’s parents accompanied him to the vet, ‘Stache stayed home, wondering where his best friend was off to. When Bree returned with Barney’s collar hours later, 'Stache sensed something was different.

“Immediately after we came home from Barney’s final appointment, ‘Stache was looking for him. He didn’t seem overly worried at first, but just curious,” Bree said. “Over the next couple of days, he seemed to just look over at Barney’s bed, wondering where he was.”

Bree noticed ‘Stache looking at Barney’s bed in the days after his passing, but he would usually walk away after a few minutes. Then, one day, Bree caught him sitting in the middle of the bed for the first time.

“I happened to look down to see ‘Stache sitting there, seemingly in a quiet moment of reflection,” Bree said. “It was so sad, and I wondered if that was the moment he understood that Barney was gone.”

You can watch that moment here:

In addition to sitting on Barney’s bed, ‘Stache began to show other signs of processing the loss of his best friend. When Barney’s ashes arrived days later, ‘Stache couldn’t help but snuggle his brother one last time.

“‘Stache smelled Barney’s box of ashes and rubbed his cheek against it,” Bree said. “I hope that has brought some level of closure to him since he wasn’t able to be there when Barney crossed the rainbow bridge.”

As heartbreaking as it was to witness, Bree understood that ‘Stache was grieving just like she was. While she couldn’t relieve ‘Stache’s pain, at the very least, she could relate to it.

“I think, like me, he has some quiet moments of grief and reflection every once in a while,” Bree wrote. “So far, he seems to be doing alright overall."

It’s been a little over a month since Barney’s passing, and ‘Stache is doing better each day thanks to his family’s constant love and attention. While Bree doesn't plan on adopting another pet anytime soon, she’s keeping her heart open just in case Barney sends them someone special.

“There will never be a dog that can replace Barney or the bond that he and ‘Stache shared. Their bond will forever hold a place in my heart,” Bree said. “But if we ever get another cat or dog, I’ll know exactly who hand-picked them for us from heaven.”