cute pet photos


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Jun 06, 2023

cute pet photos

We share photos of our subscribers’ pets at the end of every Morning Report

We share photos of our subscribers’ pets at the end of every Morning Report newsletter.

On Tuesday evening, as we were preparing Wednesday's newsletter, we received an urgent email.

"We are desperately trying to find a loving home for my mother's two cats," Becky wrote. "She has taken two serious falls and has now been referred to memory care, so is no longer able to care for them. Loco and Lexi, 10-year-old siblings, have been her life for the past decade, so this situation is heartbreaking. We are faced with vacating her independent living apartment shortly and thus need to rehome these two sweet cats.

"My son, Jordan, indicated that you have an animal section at the end of the Morning Report, so you might have some suggestions for us? (Each of us already has our limit of dogs and dogs plus cats, so unfortunately we are unable to take them.) I do have them posted on multiple sites but we are running out of time."

Becky tells us that Loco and Lexi are strictly indoor cats, and would probably do best in a home without dogs or young children.

Please email Molly Guthrey at [email protected] if you would to connect with Becky regarding adoption or resources.

Also, to sign up for the Morning Report, our free newsletter that curates local headlines on weekday mornings and shares our readers’ pet photos and stories, please go to and follow the prompts.

You can also see pets featured earlier in 2023 in our previous roundup.

In June, besides letting readers know about the plight of Lexi and Loco, we have also met three Pomeranians, a Shih Tzu, a cat named Bindi who was adopted from Homeward Bound Rescue and a cat named Pooh who is missed very much.

Lexi and Loco need to find a new home.


Bindi at home in June, about a month after her adoption.

Bindi relaxing in her new home.


Dusty has never met a stranger.

Dusty and Larry.

Waiting for breakfast.

RIP, Pooh.

"I just adopted Bindi about 10 days ago from Homeward Bound Rescue," wrote Amy in May. "She was being fostered in Monticello and needed to be an only. I just love her. She chirps like a bird and eats like one too! Bindi is four years old, loves to sleep with her head hanging off the bed and knows her name. My mother died March 1st (at the age of 99) and Bindi is a great companion bringing laughter and relaxation into my life."

"Pooh was a regal kind of cat," writes Carroll. "He was 20 years old when this picture was taken and lived a few months more. We miss him greatly."

"This is Dusty. He is a 2-1/2 year old Shih Tzu." writes Sandi of Burnsville. "He was born Sept. 27, 2020, and adopted by myself and my husband Larry. His hair first grew out long like a mop for the floor so we called him Dusty. We are both older so he is like our child.

"He LOVES company of any age and will sit by the door and cry when visitors leave because he already misses them! Having always had poodles before, I had our groomer from PetSmart put a cute pattern cut on him so he could look like a dapper dude! He lives to play fetch, is a real cuddler and stole Larry's heart which was fun, because he didn't want a small,14-pound dog! Now Dusty is loyally loved and spoiled!"

"I took my sweet Ricky (left) to Illinois for a visit with my friend and her little ones (Jetson and Marshall), this is them waiting on their breakfast," writes Wendy. "All three are Pomeranians and the sweetest little crew EVER.

"Thanks for having the Daily Doggo, it's my favorite part of the news."

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